The Karnataka Government has launched the Yuva Nidhi scheme for the peoples of Karnataka state. The Karnataka Government has introduced the Yuva Nidhi Scheme for the students who completed their education and did not involved in any kind of job, the government will provide them financial assistance. Rahul Gandhi has launched the Yuva Nidhi Yojana in 2022 for the needy students of Karnataka State. Students who completed their graduation degree will get Rs. 3000/- Per month and diploma students will get Rs. 1500/- per month as financial assistance. Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme is a great initiative by the state government to provide their educated students monthly financial support for their future and financial dependency.
Candidates from Karnataka state who want to apply for Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme 2024 read the article carefully. Hindi Sathi girl we have shared the online application procedure, eligibility criteria, required document, benefits, etc. People who are unemployed with their graduation and diploma degree can apply for this scheme. In this post we have mentioned the full application procedure. The Government will provide financial assistance every month for the unemployed students who completed their graduation and diploma. If you want to get the benefits of Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme then read the article carefully and you will get all the essential information.
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Highlights:
The Give of Karnataka launched the Yuva Nidhi Scheme for those candidates who completed their Graduation and Diploma but are still employed. The Government decided to provide every month Rs. 3000/- for Graduate students and Ra. 1500/- for Diploma Students as financial assistance. The graduate students and diploma completed students will benefit from this scheme. The scheme conducting authority will transfer the monthly amount directly to the beneficiaries bank account. Candidates can apply for this scheme from the official website at For more detailed information check the highlights Below.
Scheme Name | Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme |
Initiated By | Karnataka State Government |
Scheme Objective | Provide financial assistance to unemployed youth |
Registration Start Date | 26 December 2024 |
Beneficiaries | Unemployed Graduate & Diploma Degree Holders |
Benefits | Unemployed Graduates: Rs. 3000/- Per Month Unemployed Diploma Holders: Rs. 1500/- per month |
State | Karnataka |
Official Website | |
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Objective:
Karnataka Government introduced the Yuva Nidhi scheme for the unemployed students who completed their graduation and diploma to provide them monthly final serial assistant for their future and independence. Candidates who completed their graduation and diploma but are still searching for a job the Karnataka government launched this scheme for the candidates. If you completed graduation but are still jobless then you can get Rs. 3000/- per month and diploma candidates will get Rs. 1500/- per month. The main objective of Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme is to provide financial support to the educated unemployed students of Karnataka state.
By providing the monthly financial assistance will increase the candidates self dependency and they will be more confident to get a good job. If any candidate came from a poor family background then this game is a great opportunity. To apply online for this scheme visit the official website at
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Yuva Nidhi Scheme 2024 Benefits:
Karnataka Government provides various benefits under the scheme. Candidates who want to get the benefits should definitely apply for this scheme. Unemployed Candidates with graduation and diploma degrees will get financial support by the Government. The provided schemes under the scheme are given below.
Beneficiaries | Benefits |
Unemployed Graduates | Rs. 3000/- per month |
Unemployed Diploma Holders | Rs. 1500/- per month |
- Candidates will get a certain amount money by the government to secure their employment
- It will enhance the candidates confidence to secure their future in a good career.
Yuva Nidhi Scheme Eligibility Criteria:
To apply for the scheme candidates have to meet the eligibility criteria. The required eligibility criteria for the scheme is as follows
- Candidate must be a permanent resident of Karnataka state
- Applicant master completed graduation or diploma degree in the academic year 2022 – 2023
- After completing graduation and diploma applicant must not be involved with any employment for 6 months
- Candidates who getting benefits from other schemes are not eligible for this scheme
- Candidates who receives salaries from any government or private job are not eligible
- Applicant Aadhar must be linked with a bank account.
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme Required Documents:
To apply for this scheme students must have the following required documents.
- Aadhar Card
- Domicile/Residence Certificate
- Educational Certificates
- Annual Income Certificate
- Bank Account Details
- Mobile Number
- Passport Size Photo
- Signature
How to apply online for the Yuva Nidhi Scheme?
To apply online for this scheme candidates have to follow the mentioned steps below.
- Candidates first have to visit the official website
- Then on the official website search for the Yuva Nidhi Yojana option and click on it
- Then click on the ” Click here to apply” option
- The application form will be open to the device screen
- Fill the application with essential details
- Upload the required documents scan copies
- Review the application form before submitting it
- Click on the submit button
- Keep acknowledgement number to check the application status
How to download the Application form?
Candidates who want to download the application form submit offline follow the mentioned steps below.
- First visit the official website
- On the homepage click on the “Yuva Nidhi Scheme” option
- Then select ” Download Application” option
- The application will be download to your device
- Take a print of the application and fill the necessary details on the application
- Attach required documents
- Submit the application to the official
Steps to check Yuva Nidhi Scheme Beneficiary status:
Candidates who applied for the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi scheme can check the beneficiary status on the official website. The official authorities will publish the beneficiary list. Candidates can check the list on the official website at
Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme FAQs:
What is Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme?
The Karnataka Government launched Yuva Nidhi Scheme to provide financial assistance for the unemployed graduates and diploma holders.
How to apply for the Yuva Nidhi Scheme?
You can apply for the scheme through the official website app Fill the application and upload required documents to apply online.
What are the benefits of the Yuva Nidhi Scheme?
Unemployed graduates will get Rs. 3000/- every month. Unemployed diploma holders will get Rs. 1500/- every month
What is the eligibility criteria for Yuva Nidhi Scheme?
Unemployed students who completed their graduation or diploma on 2022-2023 are eligible for this scheme.